5 SaaS Landing Page Tips For Online Conversions

Landing pages are a fantastic way to capture leads before they’re even aware of your business. A landing page is a single page within an email or website that has the sole purpose of getting visitors to take action. Now, the key question: how do you create a landing page that gets people to sign up? From what we’ve read and seen, there are a few basic things you need to think about if you want your new landing page to be successful:

What problem are you solving?

Before you even start building your landing page, you need to know what problem it’s solving. This will help you determine what to write about, and also give you a better understanding of what your audience wants. Take a moment to think about the problems that frustrate you the most. What are the issues that are holding you back from reaching your goals?

What is the one thing that would make your life a whole lot easier? As you can see, your landing page will be an ideal place to start writing an email campaign that solves these problems. You can also try to connect with your audience in a more personal way, like one company did when they sent a landing page to their founder’s partner. This landing page was specifically tailored to help solve problems that their partner was facing.

Simplicity is key

Simple landing pages are usually more likely to get someone to click and take action. This is because people don’t want to spend hundreds of hours creating a landing page just to get one click. No one wants to be confused when they come across your landing page, so keep the content simple. Aim for sentences, not paragraphs. Use bullet points to break up text, and don’t make your page look like a blog post. You want to make it look like a regular email, not like a blog post. Make sure that the page looks like a page someone might browse on their phone. Avoid too many colors, images, or designs. You don’t have much space, and design should be kept simple to keep the page looking like what someone would scroll through on their phone.

Focus on why people will subscribe

When most people land on a landing page, they’re confused by what they see. Your landing page isn’t the place to explain exactly how they can sign up if they’re just curious. Instead, you need to focus on why people will subscribe. That could be anything from why your product is valuable to why you’re the best fit for the job. Let your readers know why they should subscribe. You can even do this with an incentive. For example, if your business is about helping you lose weight, you can offer subscribers a free ebook that has all their favorite recipes. This will show your audience that you care about their needs and wants. It’s a great way to keep your leads excited to stay subscribed to your email list.

Don’t make your landing page feel like a sales pitch

Sometimes, businesses try to make their landing pages look like sales pitches. They’ll create very long pages with multiple images and tons of information. While this might work for some products and businesses, it’s not the best way to start your campaign. Make your landing page feel like an actual email. This will help you keep your campaign simple and make it easy for your readers to understand what you have to offer. You don’t have time for complicated sales pitches, so keep your landing page simple. Make sure that the page looks like an email, and that the copy is short and to the point.

Use video ads to increase your chance of conversion

Video ads are a great way to boost your landing page conversions. Once you have your video ad setup, you can use it to lead people down a page that has more information about your product. It’s a good idea to lead people from your landing page to your video ad. This will give you the chance to show off your video and sound great! If you lead people to your video ad, you can include links in your landing page that pull them to your video. This will boost your click-through rate, and the link will help you collect email addresses.


Many people think that landing pages are only for businesses that want to collect leads, but that’s not true. Nowadays, every single business can benefit from using landing pages. They can be used as a marketing tactic to increase brand awareness, drive more traffic to your site, generate leads for your sales team, and even increase customer engagement. The key here is to create a landing page that solves a problem, focuses on why people will subscribe, and does all of this in a simple and clean way.

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